
I did it! [Chengdu (China)]
Saturday, 18.11.2006
What should I say, I fuc*** did it, on the last main picture you read "Live your dreams!" and well my dream comes true. All my doing, also to get faster then anybody before me I was doing for this one goal, to go across Tibet within 2006. But I didn`t expect that I can do it within 2006, because the season was getting very late, so I was thinking, maybe I have to take a truck down to Chengdu because the higher passes can`t be passed any more by bike because of snow. But I was lucky beeing able to cycle the hole way. Here in Chengdu I will stay for ten days or more to prepare report number 7 and to load up tons of pictures I shot on my trip and I al;so want to make some new plans for my further journey.
Resting after a hard ride [Dargaz (Iran)]
Saturday, 25.06.2006
Well I was driving quiet fast, and so I was able to rest for 5 Days here in Dargaz. This was also needed, because there I had to do a big Homepage Update. There is a new Report and also a lot of new pictures. So hopefully you like it, enjoy it.
Near the holy mountain Ararat Dogubayazıt (Turkey)
Saturday, 01.06.2006
I reached Dogubayazıt, a small town next to the Iranian border in Turkey. Here I am writing logbook entry Nr. 4.
A lot to do! [Ankara (Turkey)]
Wednesday, 31.05.2006
Well with arond one week of delay I arrived in Ankara. Now I have to order my Visas for the coming countries over here. And also the Homepageupdate is a lot to do. You cant imagine how much work this is!
The first report Hungary [Budapest (Hungary)]
Saturday, 29.04.2006
Hello everybody (Jonapot)! Yesterday I reached the capital city of Hungary (Budapest). Well I today the report is ready have fun and enjoy it. You can find it in the Logbookentry number 2.
Time to say good bye [Pramabchkirchen (Austria)]
Thirsday, 20.04.2006
It’s time for starting my world tour. Because I didn’t get the suspension seat post the right time the earlier date of departure wasn't take able. Now I got it and I also was saying good bye to all my friends and relatives, so I will start my Tour tomorrow. Tank’s to everybody providing all the time during my preparation. Soon there will be the first "News from the road" online. Tomorrow I will drive with my bike to my working mates to ay good bye and then I will drive along the Traun (river) from Marchtrenk to Linz.
Some Canges and extensions! [Pramabchkirchen (Austria)]
Saturday, 08.04.2006
Today I was preparing the Position sections, which includes some maps now. Also the Pictures section is ready to take some pictures. The only thing I want to make in the next few days is a Roadmap section which should contain information’s about the distance driven and also some information’s of road conditions.
The homepage comes up again! [Pramabchkirchen (Austria)]
Monday, 13.03.2006
I had some problems with my free domain address and so my homepage wasn't available till now. Unfortunately there are still some problems with "" ending addresses, but hopefully these guys will fix them within the next few days. Well my Diary was made and also the Picture section is ready for some pictures. So I am glad to say, I am ready for starting the tour. The only thing I have to do now is preparing my charging tool, so I am able to charge my batteries via the dynamos. Well and at least a date for my destination defined (06.04.2006).
Mailing list! [Pramabchkirchen (Austria)]
Saturday, 07.01.2006
At first I wish everybody visiting my homepage a happy and healthy new year 2006. Today the design of my homepage changed again; well the page becomes the right shape i think. Furthermore i got a logbook where the story about my "World Tour" will be updated in regularly spaces. Everyone is added to my mailing list will become a link to the latest report. If you also want to be added to my mailing list just write me an mail. So long Carl.
Bugs and new design. [Pramabchkirchen (Austria)]
Monday, 26.12.2005
Well I did a big update concerning the layout of my homepage. Hopefully you like it that much I do. Also a few things in my "about me" page have been improved.
New trekking tours online! [Pramabchkirchen (Austria)]
Monday, 30.05.2005
Updated the tours section, and well a few improvements are also done besides.
Homepage online! [Pramabchkirchen (Austria)]
Sunday, 08.05.2005
The homepage was going online today. Well I still have a lot of work until its finsished, but i will do everything to bring it to an good end.
Meeting with the bike guys! [Pramabchkirchen (Austria)]
Friday, 06.05.2005
Updated the tours section, and well a few improvements are also done besides.

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